Top Programming Language in 2021

Firstly, Programming Language  are the language that has set of instruction which are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. we know that increasing technology day by day. Similarly in programming, always  comes out new programming languages. Those programming languages has different different quality and different different syntax. Some are difficult to learn some are easy to learn. But all the programming languages missions are solve a specific task and provides corresponding Result. So, In this blog i will tell you about the top programming languages in 2021 and their main quality .


There are top 8 Programming languages are given below:
  1. Python
  2. Javascript
  3. java
  4. C
  5. C++
  6. kotlin
  7. Dart
  8. Swift

           Python is the most popular programming language in 2021 So it is in the First  position .Python has more and more quality. Python is easy to learn its syntax are so simple and also it has inbuilt Package which makes coding enjoyable and efficient. It uses in Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Software development ,Web Development, Data Scientist etc.

        Javascript is the most popular programming language. It is also easy to learn but its code is larger than Python. This programming language are used to web development and also software development . Also it is used in Backend in web technology.

     Java , In programming technology this is very very popular when lunch. It stay in third positions. It is used to develop android application and software for desktop .Its syntax is complex than Python but also easy to implement it. So use java language to develop programming skill. Its demand are very high in markets.

      C is a programming language which is developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Laboratories in 1972.It is also very popular programming language. It is used for develop Driver Software which is helps to access the hardware component. Beginner can start with this language.

      It is the advance version of C language it has Concept like object, class, encapsulation, inheritance.SO it is Object oriented programming language. It is most efficient and fast programming language. It uses to develop many softwares .

          Kotlin is the newest programming languages that are basically used to develop android applications.
This is most programming language. This is official language to develop android applications. If you interested  to develop android it then you can learn kotilin.

     Dart is the programming language that are used to develop cross platform mobile application using flutter FrameWork .It is most popular language nowadays. Many mobile developer choose this language to develop android applications and ios applications and also web development .So if  you are interested to develop cross platform program then you can use it.

    It is also most popular programming language to develop applications for apple mobiles. So it you interested to develop application for ios. Then you can learn swift language.

All the above discussion is about Top programming languages and  their uses and their demand. So follow this guide to grow your carrier. 'Thankyou'