How to learn coding in Easy Way?

What Is Programming?
Firstly , we know that programming is the process of designing and building executable computer program to get specific computer result.

What is Program?
Program is the set of instructions that executed by computer  to get specific result.

What is Programmer?
In simple word, Programmer is a person who write the Computer Programs to get Specific result.

SO, we know about programming ,programs and programmers. Now time to know some idea which develop your coding skill in easy way.
  • Firstly we select simple programming language like C or Python .I mean We can start learning coding with C or Python .
  • Learn all Main syntax of those programming language which is selected by you.
  • Focus on important Syntax and remember is properly.
  • Write simple simple code in beginning level.
  • Clear  all the concept like Loop, conditional Statement  ,include or import system, Exception handling ,List ,Dictionary ,map etc.
  • Before we going to implement any programs ,firstly write the main concept of those program in Copy to clear all the concept in mind. It helps to  focus on coding while you write. 
  • When the Error occur in your program so no afraid from this Error try to resolve it .It help to make you strong in coding. Many Beginner programmer afraid from this type of Error when Error is occuring then those programmer give up write coding while problem is occur. So I request all the beginner programmer to not afraid and try to resolve those Error using youtube ,google ,senior programmer.
  • Always enjoy coding not take burden .It helps to make you strong.
  • Always focus on coding don't gap days  to code. Write your code Continue.
All the Above point helps to develop your programming Skill in easy and funny way.